WSP Wooden Frames


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Sale price $3.20 Save $0.00
2114 in stock

WSP Depth - Your Russian Pine frame will be 183mm high, assembled and wired with brass eyelets on the end bars. WSP depth is used like the 3/4 size frame but in our Technoset 3/4 boxes, as they are slightly higher than the standard 3/4 box and fit these frames. 


Endbar Size:

33mm - Your Russian Pine frames will be assembled and have an endbar size of 33mm. 33mm Gives you plenty of space in the brood box with 10 frames giving you more flexibility on how you place your frames and also allowing for the wax and propolis build up on the frames. This is often used in brood chambers as they get clogged up the most.

35mm Your Russian Pine frames will be assembled and have an endbar size of 35mm. 35mm means that 10 frames will fit in a standard super with a near perfect fit. This will give thicker built out frames and also consistent spacing between the frames. This is often used in honey supers to get the thicker frames and more yield.

43mm - Your Russian Pine frames will be assembled and have an endbar size of 43mm. 43mm means that 8 frames will fit in a standard super. This will give thick built out frames and is often used in honey supers to get the thicker frames and more yield. Only available on 3/4 & WSP frames.


Wired and assembled - your frames will be assembled and wired ready for wax foundation

Plastic foundation fitted - Your frames will come with plastic foundation already fitted, you will just need to coat it with beeswax.

WSP Wooden Frames
WSP Wooden Frames
WSP Wooden Frames