Hobbyist Oxalic Acid & Glycerine Package
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The perfect package for those wanting to give our popular Beequip Strips a try, but only need a small quantity. Containing almost everything you need to get up and running, we have made it easy for you to get stuck in.
The package includes enough ingredients to soak 160 strips.
A Refill kit to suit this package is available when you run out of strips. Or you can buy in bulk!
This package includes:
- Small soak tub
- 4-litre pail and lid
- 3kg Glycerine
- 2kg Oxalic Acid (OA)
- 4 bundles of 40 Beequip Strips. (160 total)
- 4 Zip-lock Bags for Soaked Strips
- Digital thermometer
- Wooden trivet & stirrer
- Instruction booklet - View ONLINE here
Find out more about Oxalic Acid on our Blog here.