CLICK HERE to see a video on how to set it up
CLICK HERE to see a video on the things you can see in the SpyHive™
SpyHive™ - An Observation Beehive
Price excludes GST
Please note: This product may have a Lead Time of 2 - 4 Weeks
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The SpyHive™ from Beequip NZ is an observation beehive with nearly complete visibility of the inner workings of a beehive. Its durable construction and sturdy polycarbonate panels make it a safe and easy way for anyone to learn about bees. The design includes bee access to the outside and chambers for food and pest control, allowing it to be managed like a traditional hive. It is available in two styles that can be mounted on a wall or placed on a bench, and can also be temporarily moved to different locations. It is very helpful for scientific research, beekeeping, and as a unique attraction for retail stores, rest homes, cafes, hospitals, kindergartens and more.
Click Here to see a video overview about the SpyHive™
Click Here to see a video with a glimpse of a few of the things that go on in a SpyHive™
Click Here to see a video on how to set up a SpyHive™
There are so many amazing things to see in a SpyHive™.
Here a just a few:
- Watch the bees feeding on sugar syrup or Pollen Patties.
- Watch the queen laying eggs and spreading pheromones
- Add all different types of varroa treatments and watch the bees’ reactions.
- Do regular dead mite counts on the base tray to analyse results.
- Watch the temperature stay constant in the brood nest regardless of outside temperatures.
- Easy to mark some nurse bees with different colours and watch them do their duties each day. Their duties change as they get older.
- Adjustable ventilation system to suit the time of year or to observe how the bees react accordingly.
- Watch propolis being using to seal up cracks
- See the bees build and mould the beeswax
- Watch nurse bees carry out many cleaning duties.
- Watch the nurse bees feed the queen.
- See the bees feed the queen and spread pheromones
- Watch field bees do their various dances to show the bees where to get food.
- Watch pollen being unloaded into the cells.
- Watch worker bees chase drones out of the hive in Autumn.
A 3/4 depth frame (175mm high) is used at the bottom for the queen to lay in. The top frame is full depth (231mm high) and is used to store food for the colony. A stainless steel queen excluder is fitted between the 2 frames. Frames are not supplied with the SpyHive™ unless by special request.
High quality polycarbonate panels are used to cover the beehive frames instead of glass for many very good reasons.
- It has higher thermal insulation properties and keeps the bees warmer
- It is very hard to break for added safety in the home.
- Easy to ship the SpyHive™ worldwide without risk of breakages.
- Easy to hinge a panel for routine beehive maintenance.
- Give excellent view clarity
- The bees keep it very clean.
One polycarbonate panel has a hole with a black plug fitted. The plug can be removed for a large range of activities including:-
- Catch a nurse bee with the Soft-face Bee Clip, mark her thorax with a Bee Marker Pen, and let her go while inserted back through the hole. Her work duties can then be monitored each day for her lifetime.
- Insert a probe for a humidity meter and observe the consistency in the brood nest. (Can't be left there for long periods because the bees will cover it with propolis🙂)
- Insert a probe for a CO2 meter and watch what is best for the bees.
- Watch the bees put out alarm signals if you blow through the hole!
The SpyHive™ comes in several options:
Wall Mount Option:
This comes with a special bracket allowing you to mount it to the wall and swivel it 180 degrees, all while maintaining the exit for the bees to carry on there duties. This registered design allows for maximum viewing without taking up prime bench space. The bracket is designed so that you can easily shut the entrance and then remove the SpyHive™ from the bracket temporarily to go and display elsewhere. This is our most popular option and also the most secure.
Bench Mount Option:
This is designed to sit on a bench as stationery and use flexi-hose to connect it to the outside. It comes with a pair of feet to give stability. These are packed separately and easily secured with one screw each.
ACM Hive Cover Panels:
These sturdy panels have a rubber seal and are held in place with a magnet. The rubber seals help to keep the beehive warm and the panels keep the beehive in darkness, just like their natural habitat. The inside surface of the covers is ideal for keeping diary notes with a whiteboard marker pen. Notes could include:-
- Varroa treatments
- The queen behaviour and age etc.
- Feeding
- If excess bees are removed or more bees are added
- Bee health treatments or supplements that are used.
The SpyHive™ is made from bee friendly untreated plywood and available in 2 colours.
- Black painted outer frame. The inner spacer blocks are unpainted.
- Natural timber look with HPL plywood. The edges are sealed with food grade beeswax furniture polish.
- The outer plywood frame is 545mm (21.5") wide, 625mm (24.625") high, 90mm (3.5") deep. (Without the covers and wall mount.)
- The wall mount bracket is 675mm (26.625") high and 150mm (6") wide.
Included with the SpyHive™ package will be:
- White covers to insulate the hive and keep it in darkness when not being viewed.
- A thermometer probe to monitor the brood nest temperature
- 300mm of 32mm inside diameter clear tube for the entry.
An Outside Entry assembly is not included with the SpyHive™ but can be purchased here.
The Bee Harvester Kit is sold separately and can be purchased here
An instruction manual is supplied with the SpyHive™.

External Entry for the SpyHive™
Price excludes GST
This is a cleverly designed entrance for our SpyHive™!
It is designed to reduce robbing while giving the bees an easy hygienic landing board.
There are two types available:
Flat wall type:
This is designed to be screwed against a flat wall and then sealed across the top
Profiled Wall Type:
This has an edge of which you can cut to suit the profile of the wall it's going against e.g. corrugated iron.
Check out the installation video which shows the profiled wall type in use.

Bee Harvester Kit
Price excludes GST
This bee harvester kit makes it super easy to add more bees to the SpyHive™ if required.
Simply shake some bees into a larger general bucket then tip them into the mesh harvester basket. Clip the funnel on and secure with the lock mechanism. Ensure that the black plug is fitted. Spray the bees with vanilla essence (through the mesh) to calm them and mask the pheromones. Transport them to the SpyHive™ and spray them again with vanilla essence before releasing into the SpyHive™ through the hole in top cover over the pollen pattie compartment.
NB. Vanilla essence diluted 1:3 with water can be used to shield the scent of the bees to stop fighting when introduced to another colony.
Check out the video below to see it all in action.

Aluminium Torch for the SpyHive™
Price excludes GST
This is the perfect little torch to accompany the SpyHive™ and get some extra light where it is needed.
It has a zoomable lens to intensify the light on a specific area.
Runs on AA batteries (included).