Wooden Frame fitted with Beeswax Foundation
Price excludes GST
See below for details.
1/2 Depth - Your Russian Pine frame will be 125mm high, assembled and wired with brass eyelets on the end bars. 1/2 depth is often used as a honey super for comb honey or just because it's the lightest size when filled with honey.
3/4 Depth - Your Russian Pine frame will be 176mm high, assembled and wired with brass eyelets on the end bars. 3/4 depth is the most common size for honey supers as it is still a relatively manageable weight but allows for a good harvest per box. Some beekeepers find two 3/4 boxes a good size for a brood chamber.
Full Depth - Your Russian Pine frame will be 231mm high, assembled and wired with brass eyelets on the end bars. Full Depth is the most common size in beekeeping with it being used for brood chambers and honey supers. Beekeepers often will use two of these for the brood chamber.
Jumbo Depth - Your Russian Pine frame will be 286mm high, assembled and wired with brass eyelets on the end bars. Jumbo depth is usually used as an option of having just one brood super. This size is the closest arrangement you can have to the bees natural hive size in the wild.
33mm - Your Russian Pine frames will be assembled and have an endbar size of 33mm. 33mm Gives you plenty of space in the brood box with 10 frames giving you more flexibility on how you place your frames and also allowing for the wax and propolis build up on the frames. This is often used in brood chambers as they get clogged up the most.
35mm - Your Russian Pine frames will be assembled and have an endbar size of 35mm. 35mm means that 10 frames will fit in a standard super with a near perfect fit. This will give thicker built out frames and also consistent spacing between the frames. This is often used in honey supers to get the thicker frames and more yield.
43mm - Your Russian Pine frames will be assembled and have an endbar size of 43mm. 43mm means that 8 frames will fit in a standard super. This will give thick built out frames and is often used in honey supers to get the thicker frames and more yield.
Medium Brood - This means your Russian Pine frames have a sheet of Medium Brood foundation fitted to each. It is a thinner style often used in the brood chamber. The beeswax is professionally produced promising only the best.
Manuka Special - This means your Russian Pine frames have a sheet of Manuka special foundation fitted to each. It is a thicker style often used in the brood and honey chambers. Being thicker it gives more durability to the frame once drawn out and also gives the bees more wax to work with while drawing it out. The beeswax is professionally produced promising only the best.
Full Depth Kitset Frame
Price excludes GST
Full Depth Kitset frame.
Perfect for those winter months if you want to save the extra dime!
Minimum order quantity of 10
33mm - Your Kitset frames will have an endbar size of 33mm. 33mm Gives you plenty of space in the brood box with 10 frames giving you more flexibility on how you place your frames and also allowing for the wax and propolis build up on the frames. This is often used in brood chambers as they get clogged up the most.
35mm - Your Kitset frames will have an endbar size of 35mm. 35mm means that 10 frames will fit in a standard super with a near perfect fit. This will give thicker built out frames and also consistent spacing between the frames. This is often used in honey supers to get the thicker frames and more yield.
10mm grooved bottom bar.
230mm high
100 per carton - 3500 per pallet
Large orders may have slight delays.
Wooden Frame - Wired and Assembled
Price excludes GST
Assembled and wired and ready for you to add the wax foundation.
Made from High Density Russian Pine, they are very strong and will last for many years.
The top bar is secured with four 32mm staples at the top and a 20mm staple on each end. The bottom bars have a machined groove to locate the foundation and are secured with 32mm staples.
A registration number can be hot branded onto the top bar with 20mm lettering on indent orders in pallet quantities. 640 frames on a pallet.
See below for details.
1/2 Depth - Your Russian Pine frame will be 125mm high, assembled and wired with brass eyelets on the end bars. 1/2 depth is often used as a honey super for comb honey or just because it's the lightest size when filled with honey.
3/4 Depth - Your Russian Pine frame will be 176mm high, assembled and wired with brass eyelets on the end bars. 3/4 depth is the most common size for honey supers as it is still a relatively manageable weight but allows for a good harvest per box. Some beekeepers find two 3/4 boxes a good size for a brood chamber.
WSP Depth - Your Russian Pine frame will be 183mm high, assembled and wired with brass eyelets on the end bars. WSP depth is used like the 3/4 size frame but in our Technoset 3/4 boxes, as they are slightly higher than the standard 3/4 box and fit these frames.
Full Depth - Your Russian Pine frame will be 231mm high, assembled and wired with brass eyelets on the end bars. Full Depth is the most common size in beekeeping with it being used for brood chambers and honey supers. Beekeepers often will use two of these for the brood chamber.
Jumbo Depth - Your Russian Pine frame will be 286mm high, assembled and wired with brass eyelets on the end bars. Jumbo depth is usually used as an option of having just one brood super. This size is the closest arrangement you can have to the bees natural hive size in the wild.
33mm - Your Russian Pine frames will be assembled and have an endbar size of 33mm. 33mm Gives you plenty of space in the brood box with 10 frames giving you more flexibility on how you place your frames and also allowing for the wax and propolis build up on the frames. This is often used in brood chambers as they get clogged up the most.
35mm - Your Russian Pine frames will be assembled and have an endbar size of 35mm. 35mm means that 10 frames will fit in a standard super with a near perfect fit. This will give thicker built out frames and also consistent spacing between the frames. This is often used in honey supers to get the thicker frames and more yield.
43mm - Your Russian Pine frames will be assembled and have an endbar size of 43mm. 43mm means that 8 frames will fit in a standard super. This will give thick built out frames and is often used in honey supers to get the thicker frames and more yield. Only available on 3/4 & WSP frames.
Full Depth Plastic Frame
Price excludes GST
Full Depth Plastic Frame
Manufactured in New Zealand with virgin food grade plastic.
33mm endbar - Inquire if you would like 35mm as they are bulk orders only.
Options are:
Beeswax Coated:
This will come with a 37gm Coating of beeswax to get the bees started in drawing it out.
This will come with no coating and will need some beeswax brushing on to encourage the bees to draw it out.
50x per carton
800x per pallet
There may be a slight delay on large orders
3/4 Depth Kitset Frame
Price excludes GST
3/4 Depth Kitset frame made from NZ pine.
Perfect for those winter months if you want to save the extra dime!
Minimum order quantity of 10
33mm - Your Kitset frames will have an endbar size of 33mm. 33mm Gives you plenty of space in the brood box with 10 frames giving you more flexibility on how you place your frames and also allowing for the wax and propolis build up on the frames. This is often used in brood chambers as they get clogged up the most.
35mm - Your Kitset frames will have an endbar size of 35mm. 35mm means that 10 frames will fit in a standard super with a near perfect fit. This will give thicker built out frames and also consistent spacing between the frames. This is often used in honey supers to get the thicker frames and more yield.
43mm - Your Kitset frames will have an endbar size of 43mm. 43mm means that 8 frames will fit in a standard super. This will give thick built out frames and is often used in honey supers to get the thicker frames and more yield.
10mm grooved bottom bar.
175mm high
100 per carton - 3500 per pallet
Large orders may have slight delays.
Alliance brand hiveware
3/4 Depth Plastic Frame
Price excludes GST
3/4 Depth Plastic Frame
Manufactured in New Zealand with virgin food grade plastic.
33mm endbar - Inquire if you would like 35mm as they are bulk orders only.
Options are:
Beeswax Coated:
This will come with a 33gm Coating of beeswax to get the bees started in drawing it out.
This will come with no coating and will need some beeswax brushing on to encourage the bees to draw it out.
48x per carton
864x per pallet
There may be a slight delay on large orders
Cut Comb Frame - Full Depth
Price excludes GST
Technosetbee Full Depth #2 Frame for Comb Honey Production:
This new revolutionary frame is designed for comb honey production. The beekeeper simply cuts a sheet of wax foundation into two pieces as shown in the photos and inserts each piece through an opening in the top of the frame. (One small offcut is not required.) The two squares are 203mm x 195mm each. A plastic capping locks it into place.
The Thin Super wax foundation can be purchased already cut to the correct size here.
When honey is capped, simply slice with an electric knife or a hot knife into the desired sizes.
Each of the 4 rectangles (or windows) in the frame are 184mm high. The 2 outer rectangles are 88mm wide. the 2 inner rectangles are 97mm wide. If the comb is cut to 105mm long to suit the larger square containers, the comb honey will weigh between 300g and 340g, depending on thickness.
Cut-comb honey containers are available here. Cut the honey comb up to suit the container sizes.
Manufactured from high quality food grade polypropylene. End bars are 36mm wide. 10 frames will fit snugly per box. Alternatively you could fit 9 frames per box and space them evenly to produce thicker slabs of comb honey.
Comb Honey is very much sought after and sells for very high prices. These frames make the job so much easier and more efficient.
Frame net weight: 0.35 Kg
Caution! Do not use these frames in areas where the bees could collect poisonous Tutin.
In NZ tutin zones, any honey harvested after 31st Dec must be tutin tested. When the honey is cut from the frames, the honey dribbles from every cut must be collected, blended and a sample sent to an authorised laboratory for tutin testing before the honey is sold or given away.
Tutin can potentially be collected anywhere by the bees above the latitude line of 42 degrees south in NZ. (Where the Passion Vine Hoppers live)
Full Depth Drone Comb Plastic Frames
Price excludes GST
Full depth plastic frame for Drone comb. Green.
Commonly used for monitoring Varroa numbers and also to help control the Varroa Mites.
Available as Coated in Beeswax or Unwaxed.
Full Depth Frame with 35mm End Bar fitted and Plastic Foundation
Price excludes GST
Note: This stock is a particular batch of factory seconds and the foundation may warp over time. Usually fine for honey supers but not brood frames.
Comes fully assembled.
The plastic foundation provides a tough base for the drawn comb and will withstand rigorous treatment when going through honey extraction facilities.
Made from High Density Russian Pine, they are very strong and will last for many years.
The top bar is secured with four 32mm staples at the top and a 20mm staple on each end.The bottom bars have a machined groove to locate the foundation and are secured with 32mm staples.
3/4 Depth Plastic Manley Frame - 43mm End Bar
Price excludes GST
Manufactured in New Zealand with virgin food grade plastic.
43mm endbar
Options are:
Beeswax Coated:
This will come with a 33gm Coating of beeswax to get the bees started in drawing it out.
This will come with no coating and will need some beeswax brushing on to encourage the bees to draw it out.
48x per carton
864x per pallet
There may be a slight delay on large orders
Small Rectangle Comb Honey Full Depth Frame - Fits 12 boxes
Price excludes GST
Full Depth Comb Honey Frame to take 12 small Honey Containers. Click here for more info.
The frame splits in half to enable fitting the 12 small comb honey containers. Special clips keep it together while it is in the beehive.
240mm deep plus 3mm top & bottom for central clips.
Use a Technoset excluder to get the bee space needed under the full depth super.
If more than one Super is used with these Comb Honey Frames, use a Technoset Top Entry for the extra space required.
Allow 41mm width per frame. Fit 8 frames per Super.
Ideal Depth Kitset Frame
Price excludes GST
NZ pine Kitset frames at Ideal Height - 136mm High. 35mm end bar.
These are the perfect height for doing cut-comb honey. You can get four 340g squares per frame. Fit 10 frames per box to keep the comb uniform.
The common procedure is to assemble the frames without wire and fit a strip of beeswax foundation in the top groove that will hang about 25mm below the top bar. It is secured in place by running a bead of molten beeswax into the groove. In a good flow, the bees will draw the comb from the top down to give nice perfect comb honey in a uniform shape on each frame. Click here for the correct thin super foundation and cut each sheet into the desired size strip.
Click here if you need some beeswax.
Our comb honey cutters fit in between the top and bottom bar.
You can purchase Ideal size boxes here
WSP Manley Frame with 43mm End Bar fitted with Plastic Foundation
Price excludes GST
Comes fully assembled. Excellent for honey production.
The WSP frame has end bars that are 183mm long and are popular in Australia.They also suit the 3/4 depth Technoset Supers perfectly.
The plastic foundation provides a tough base for the drawn comb and will withstand rigorous treatment when going through honey extraction facilities.
Made from High Density Russian Pine, they are very strong and will last for many years.
The top bar is secured with four 32mm staples at the top and a 20mm staple on each end.The bottom bars have a machined groove to locate the foundation and are secured with 32mm staples.
A registration number can be hot branded onto the top bar with 20mm lettering on indent orders in pallet quantities. 512 frames on a pallet.