Pollen Trap - External
Price excludes GST
Please note Beehive Floor and Full Depth Brood box are not included in the purchase.
Designed to fit onto most beehives.
Designed to suit a base with a 20mm riser.Removable pollen collection tray holds up to 400 grams of pollen. The worker bee has to crawl up though a hole to get back into the hive. In the process, most of the the pollen gets scraped from her collection baskets and drops into the collection tray.
If the beehive is not getting enough pollen, the active plate with entry holes can be by-passed through a movable front door controlled by a side-lever. Incorporates a drone side entrance with a secure sliding door.
Manufactured from high quality food grade polypropylene. Weight: 1.2 Kg
Please note:- Stock colours may be different to the photos shown.

Pollen Trap- Internal
Price excludes GST
Please note Beehive Floor and Full Depth Brood box are not included in the purchase.
This has got to be one of the best designed pollen traps available!
It consists of four interconnecting parts.The base, the active plate, the upper protective cover to prevent contamination from the frames above, and the two trays responsible for holding the collected pollen and keeping it dry.
The active plate and protective cover can be removed at any time by sliding them outwards to free the entrance until the next scheduled collection. NB. In the photo, the full depth brood box and the floor (bottom) are shown for illustration purposes only and are not part of the kit.
Mouse proof! Avoid the embarrassment and health hazards of unwanted droppings in your pollen as can happen on some traps.
Rain proof! Even after a lot of wet weather, the pollen trays stay dry.
Incorporates a drone side entrance with a secure sliding door.
Two trays will hold up to 400 grams of pollen.
This trap is designed to fit the Technosetbee floor but a standard wooden floor can be modified to suit if required.
Check out VIDEO HERE
Manufactured from high quality food grade polypropylene. Weight: 2.2 Kg
10 year warranty.
Please note:- Stock colours may be different to the photos shown.