Beequip NZ is the distributor of Alliance Woodware frames and boxes made from New Zealand pine. Our range includes standard and budget grade boxes and high-quality frames for easy assembly. Shop now for the best beekeeping solutions in New Zealand.

NZ Pine Supers - Standard Grade
Price excludes GST
Excellent quality and precision cut to suit the demands of modern beekeeping.
These boxes are standard grade (Some call it commercial grade) Some pieces of timber will have some tight knots but there will be no knots on edges and no pith.
The timber is machined to 21mm thick.
The internal dimensions of these supers are 365mm x 465mm
Pallet lots are readily available - Please ask us for a freight quote.
We have the three common sizes available:
Half Depth - These boxes are 133mm high and are commonly used for comb honey. 200 per pallet
Ideal Half Depth - These boxes are 146mm high and are also commonly used for comb honey. 200 per pallet
3/4 Depth - These boxes are 185mm high and are commonly used for honey supers. 200 per pallet
Full Depth - These boxes are 240mm high and are commonly used for brood chambers and honey supers. 150 per pallet
These are available dipped in the flat packed form - save $$$ in freight.
The two options are:
Untreated - The wood is in its natural form ready for a coat of paint or some form of treatment.
Treated - the wood was been dipped in hot Microcrystalline wax for 7 minutes to give excellent long term weather protection
Larger orders of dipped and/or assembled components may incur an extended lead time - we will get in touch if this is the case.
Option - Kitset or assembled:
Kitset: The boxes will come flat packed ready for you to assemble. This is the most economical freight wise.
Assembled: We will assemble the boxes for you. They will be stapled together with 50mm galv staples on all corners. Please note, 1/2 and ideal depth may have extra lead time on this option. if your urgent, contact us direct. Same goes for large orders on all sizes.
NZ Pine Supers - Budget Grade
Price excludes GST
These wooden supers are made from a lower quality selection of NZ Pine.
The components will usually contain piths and knots but will be bee tight.
These are a great economical option for doing the job.
3/4 Depth - These boxes are 185mm high and are commonly used for honey supers. 200 per pallet
Full Depth - These boxes are 240mm high and are commonly used for brood chambers and honey supers. 150 per pallet
The two options are:
Untreated - The wood is in its natural form ready for a coat of paint or some form of treatment.
Treated - the wood was been dipped in hot Microcrystalline wax for 7 minutes to give excellent long term weather protection. Only available as assembled.
Option - Kitset or assembled:
Kitset: The boxes will come flat packed ready for you to assemble. This is the most economical freight wise.
Assembled: We will assemble the boxes for you. They will be stapled together with 50mm galv staples on all corners.
Please Note: Larger orders of dipped and/or assembled components may incur an extended lead time - we will get in touch if this is the case.
Full Depth Kitset Frame
Price excludes GST
Full Depth Kitset frame.
Perfect for those winter months if you want to save the extra dime!
Minimum order quantity of 10
33mm - Your Kitset frames will have an endbar size of 33mm. 33mm Gives you plenty of space in the brood box with 10 frames giving you more flexibility on how you place your frames and also allowing for the wax and propolis build up on the frames. This is often used in brood chambers as they get clogged up the most.
35mm - Your Kitset frames will have an endbar size of 35mm. 35mm means that 10 frames will fit in a standard super with a near perfect fit. This will give thicker built out frames and also consistent spacing between the frames. This is often used in honey supers to get the thicker frames and more yield.
10mm grooved bottom bar.
230mm high
100 per carton - 3500 per pallet
Large orders may have slight delays.
3/4 Depth Kitset Frame
Price excludes GST
3/4 Depth Kitset frame made from NZ pine.
Perfect for those winter months if you want to save the extra dime!
Minimum order quantity of 10
33mm - Your Kitset frames will have an endbar size of 33mm. 33mm Gives you plenty of space in the brood box with 10 frames giving you more flexibility on how you place your frames and also allowing for the wax and propolis build up on the frames. This is often used in brood chambers as they get clogged up the most.
35mm - Your Kitset frames will have an endbar size of 35mm. 35mm means that 10 frames will fit in a standard super with a near perfect fit. This will give thicker built out frames and also consistent spacing between the frames. This is often used in honey supers to get the thicker frames and more yield.
43mm - Your Kitset frames will have an endbar size of 43mm. 43mm means that 8 frames will fit in a standard super. This will give thick built out frames and is often used in honey supers to get the thicker frames and more yield.
10mm grooved bottom bar.
175mm high
100 per carton - 3500 per pallet
Large orders may have slight delays.
Alliance brand hiveware
Ideal Depth Kitset Frame
Price excludes GST
NZ pine Kitset frames at Ideal Height - 136mm High. 35mm end bar.
These are the perfect height for doing cut-comb honey. You can get four 340g squares per frame. Fit 10 frames per box to keep the comb uniform.
The common procedure is to assemble the frames without wire and fit a strip of beeswax foundation in the top groove that will hang about 25mm below the top bar. It is secured in place by running a bead of molten beeswax into the groove. In a good flow, the bees will draw the comb from the top down to give nice perfect comb honey in a uniform shape on each frame. Click here for the correct thin super foundation and cut each sheet into the desired size strip.
Click here if you need some beeswax.
Our comb honey cutters fit in between the top and bottom bar.
You can purchase Ideal size boxes here