6 Frame Electric Radial Extractor


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6 Frame Electric Radial Extractor
6 Frame Electric Radial Extractor
6 Frame Electric Radial Extractor
6 Frame Electric Radial Extractor

Our first Radial extractor makes the job easier and less tiring.

Radial extractors make it easier to extract frames as they extract both sides of the frame at once. It does, however, take longer to do so, compared to all our other extractors (tangential)

A simple speed controller gives you accurate control on the extraction and keeps it consistent.

The machine is made from 304 grade stainless steel and has clear lids.

Approx dim when assembled: 700Wx700Lx1200H

The distance from honey gate to floor when the legs are fitted is 320mm.

240v Motor with NZ Plug. 35kg inc Packaging

General guide to honey extraction:
  1. View video here
  2. Ensure honey in the frames is warm enough. Straight off the hive is usually okay if the weather is not too cold and the bees have been brushed or blown off the frames. Otherwise, leave in a small warm room at around 28 degrees C for 48 hours.
  3. Clean equipment before use.
  4. Uncap frames as shown in video.
  5. Use frames of similar weight on opposite sides to reduce vibrations.
  6. Run extractor at about half speed to get half the honey out of the first side. If the frames have wax foundation and you go too fast, the weight of the honey on opposite side will damage the comb.
  7. Turn frames around and spin honey from other side. Depending on honey type and temperature, one pass may be enough on second side or it may need to be done with 2 passes. 2nd pass can be faster than the first.
  8. Shift frames back to first side and extract remaining honey with a slightly faster speed.
  9. Let the honey flow out of the extractor through a stainless steel double strainer and into food grade honey pails with honey gates at the bottom.
  10. Leave the honey pail in warm place for 2 days to allow any wax residues and air bubbles to go to the top.
  11. Then you can decant beautiful pure honey out of the honey gate at the bottom into polyjars, or similar.
  12. The wax cappings can be left to drain over a grid like a stainless steel queen excluder. (Leave in a warm place to allow maximum honey to drain from the wax.)
  13. The drained honey can be poured through a honey strainer. (Repeat steps 9 – 11.)