- 4 hives each with five 3/4 depth frames & wax coated plastic foundation.
- 4 Tank Feeders (one litre each) with ladders.
- 2 removable divider boards. Can run the hive over winter with 2 colonies only.
- 4 separate Hive Mats with high insulation properties.
- 4 closeable & mouse proof entries with landing board. Range of colour options.
- Space for pollen supplements and has 4 floor vents.
- Box can be fitted to a standard hive to draw out the frames.
How to start of the 4 Way Nuc
The outside dimensions of the box are standard so you can put the whole box on top of a standard beehive to draw out the frames.
If the divider slides and the feeders are removed, you can fit 13 frames each side.
If you put that on a busy hive and add a top feeder full of syrup, you will get the frames drawn in a very short time.
If you let the queen lay in the frames, then you soon have a great box of bees with brood and stores that is easy to shift back to its standard base etc.
Add dividers and feeders, add 4 queen cells and weather permitting, you will have 4 great laying queens within 3 to 4 weeks.
If the frames are already drawn, you can start the colony by adding a litre of bees to each of the 4 sections.
If the bees are from several hives, spray them gently with vanilla essence, diluted with water. 1 part essence to 2 parts water.
That masks any scent and stops fighting.
Fill the feeders with syrup. Is good to add some pollen supplement as well.
Locate the hives in new positions with the entries closed.
Add a queen cell to each section that is ready to hatch within 24 hours.
After 48 hours, open entrances and let the bees take their bearings on the new location.
Refill feeders with syrup.
Monitor regularly that they have enough feed.
If the frames are not drawn, the above procedure could be adopted if it was during a reasonable honey flow and the weather allows the bees to get out and collect their food requirements.