Technosetbee Beehive Package #4
Price excludes GST
The Perfect package to convert your current hive into a Technosetbee one!
The package includes
Click on items above for more information.
The hive cover in this package is made to go on a Technoset top feeder. If you don't have one already you can buy them here.
Optional connector latches are available if required. Screw holes are pre-drilled to suit.
Check out our other beehive packages!
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Screen for Merging Board
Price excludes GST
The 3mm PP board is designed to be fitted into the rim of a Technosetbee queen excluder with top entry, to allow two colonies to be safely united.
The excluder needs to be ordered separately if required. Click here: Single Queen Exlcuder
Rim thickness of the excluder: 10mm
Can be used on any standard 10 frame Langstroth bee hive.
Please note:- Stock colours may be different to the photo shown.
Syrup Feeder Valve for Roof
Price excludes GST
Feeding your bees has never been easier with the range of Technosetbee top feeders.
This valve allows you to quickly and efficiently fill the underlying feeder without moving the Hive cover. Simply open the cap and pour the syrup in. The syrup level is clearly visible so that you don't overfill.
Hive cover can be ordered from the factory with valve fitted.
Compatible also with conventional hive covers up to a thickness of 13mm.
Manufactured from high quality food grade polypropylene.
Thread Diameter: 41mm
Weight: 0.05 kg
Please note:- Stock colours may be different to the photos shown.
Technoset Package 2
Price excludes GST
The Perfect package to convert your current hive into a Technosetbee one!
Or why not put your new nuc straight into the best.
This package includes:
Vented Floor - with reversible entry guards
1 Full Depth Brood Box - without frames
Click on items above for more information. 10 year warranty. Optional connector latches are available if required. Screw holes are pre-drilled to suit. Check out our other beehive packages!
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Please write your preferred box colour on the cart page
Technoset Overwintering Board
Price excludes GST
A unique inner board with two circular air vents. The perfect tool to help overwinter a weak colony on top of a strong colony and utilize the additional heat that is generated. A top entry is required for the top colony and should be orientated to the opposite (rear) side. Click here to order: upper entrance
Can be used on any standard 10 frame Langstroth beehive.
Manufactured from high quality food grade polypropylene. Weight:1.2 Kg
10 year warranty.
Please note:- Stock colours may be different to the photos shown.
3x3 Full Depth Frame Nucleus Kit
Price excludes GST
Convert a full depth Technoset brood box in the most efficient way to start nucleus hives.
In a hurry to split hives? Fit the kit to a single brood box and come back 3 days later to see which two nucs have no eggs. Scrape off any queen cells and insert a new caged queen in each. Alternatively, two queen cells can be added with queens almost ready to emerge.
During winter, the hives share the warmth generated within the brood box.
In the case of a lost queen, a divider can be removed and the two colonies united.
Check out the video:
Each feeder has a compartment with a lid for feeding pollen patties or protein supplements. The bees can only access the syrup in a narrow passage to prevent drowning. The feeders have vents to allow damp air to disperse through the vents in the Technoset roof. To refill the feeders, simply lift the roof and top up without any disturbance to the bees. Alternatively, three feeder valves can be fitted to the roof to avoid even lifting the roof when topping up the syrup.
The middle feeder includes the entrance for the middle Nuc and a sliding door.
This is an add-on kit for fitting to a Technoset beehive. Order beehives separately if required.
This kit contains:
Manufactured from high quality food grade polypropylene. Weight: 2.7 Kg
Please note:- Stock colours may be different to the photos shown.
Beehive Carry Handles
Price excludes GST
The carry handles are designed to locate securely under Technosetbee floors. Moving a bee hive full of bees and honey on uneven ground, or difficult terrain, can turn into a nightmare for anyone. The carry handles are a great tool when two people are shifting heavy bee hives to greatly reduce the risk of back injuries. Tough zinc plated steel construction.
Dimensions: 340mm x 325mm x 85mm.
Weight: 1.1 Kg
Comes as a pair.
Technosetbee Queen Cell Cups for Royal Jelly
Price excludes GST
Extra queen cell cups for Royal Jelly the cell bars
Manufactured from high quality food grade polypropylene.
Inner diameter of cell cups is 9.5mm. Smaller cups also available.
Packet of 60
Q8 Vertical Queen Excluder
Price excludes GST
Vertical Queen Excluder for Q8 Queen Mating Nuc
Replaces an internal divider.
180mm x 270mm