Price excludes GST
Swedish Cloth is used extensively by beekeepers in USA to keep their beehives healthy.
It is an excellent matrix for absorbing Oxalic Acid / Glycerine solution.
The Beequip Swedish Cloth is a high quality product made in Germany, made of 70% cellulose, 30% cotton and is 100% biodegradable.
Click Here to see our Biodegradable Report
Click Here to see our Material Test Report
The BQ Swedish Cloth does not have any colouring additives or flame retardant chemicals like many other Swedish Cloth products.
BioGro have approved it for Organic Beekeepers to use in their beehives.
The cloth is supplied already pre-cut into strips to suit beehives. Each dry cloth strip is 195mm x 43 mm x 2mm thick and weighs approx. 2.4 grams.
A dry strip will soak up 25 grams of OA / Glycerine solution and swell up to approx. 195mm x 47mm x 4mm thick.
Click here to purchase a full setup kit for Hobbyist's.
Hobbyist Refill and Standard Refill Kits are available
Important: Research from clients in USA state that the 4 strips are more effective than using a single pad with the same surface area. Having 260% more edge line, is very helpful to the efficacy.
Packed 4000 per carton, 80,000 per pallet.
Make up solution comprised of 50% Oxalic Acid Dihydrate and 50% food grade glycerine by weight. See instructions & videos in the mixing guide about heating and mixing the 2 products. The Beequip Cardboard strips are soaked in a solution with 40% Oxalic Acid. The Swedish Cloth strips are soaked in a solution of 50% Oxalic Acid. 50% OA / Glyc solution takes a little longer to dissolve and mix properly than 40% solution.
While the solution is still around 54 - 58°C, soak the equivalent of 25 grams of solution per strip. The strips need to be in a suitable soak bin with a flat base and placed on their edge. Keep the soak bin in a warm place; preferably between 20°C and 30°C. The strips will soak up all the solution within 60 minutes. Keep the bin in a warm place for 24 hours. The solution content per strip will equalize. When placed at room temperature, the solution will solidify in each strip.
The strips can now be used immediately in hives or pack into ziplock bags for long term storage. It is important that they are stored in an airtight container or bag.
A typical strong colony with 2 brood boxes should have 4 strips placed horizontally between the brood boxes, with spaces between the strips.
Scrape off burr comb first.
The 4 strips work more effectively than using single larger pads.
Click here to view our full instruction guide.
The reports from USA are that this system works extremely well when placed between the brood boxes and placed horizontally over the frames on a double brood box beehive.
It is not so successful when placed over a single brood box colony.
Randy Oliver (scientificbeekeeping.com) agreed with this phenomenon and said that when running single brood box beehives, OAE strips need to be fitted vertically over the frames, like our cardboard strips are used. See Beequip Cardboard Strips.
Fun fact. The bees maintain a controlled atmosphere in the brood nest which provides the perfect conditions for the cloth to function correctly. The temperature in the brood nest is maintained close to 34°C and the humidity is kept between 58% and 70%. In a single brood box colony, the area directly above a single brood box is not controlled like in the brood nest.
Strip life. There are many variables to effective strip life, like how much the bees cover it in propolis and how much they chew it. Based on extensive field experience, the strips should be replaced every 8 to 12 weeks. If re-invasion from other colonies is an issue, (it can be very severe in Autumn), do not go longer than 10 weeks.