Swedish Cloth is used extensively by beekeepers in USA to keep their beehives healthy.
It is an excellent matrix for absorbing Oxalic Acid / Glycerine solution.
The Beequip Swedish Cloth is a high-quality product made in Germany, consisting of 70% cellulose, 30% cotton, and is 100% biodegradable.
Click Here to see our Biodegradable Report.
Click Here to see our Material Test Report.
The BQ Swedish Cloth does not contain colouring additives or flame retardant chemicals found in other products.
BioGro has approved it for Organic Beekeepers.
The cloth is pre-cut into strips suitable for beehives. Each dry cloth strip measures 195mm x 43mm x 2mm and weighs approximately 2.4 grams.
A dry strip will soak up 25 grams of OA / Glycerine solution, swelling to approximately 195mm x 47mm x 4mm.
Click here to purchase a full setup kit for hobbyists.
Hobbyist Refill and Standard Refill kits are available.
Important: Research from clients in the USA states that four strips are more effective than using a single pad with the same surface area. Having 260% more edge line significantly improves efficacy.
Packed 4000 per carton, 80,000 per pallet.
Prepare a solution comprising 50% Oxalic Acid Dihydrate and 50% food-grade glycerine by weight. See detailed instructions and videos in the mixing guide. Beequip Cardboard strips are soaked in a solution of 40% Oxalic Acid, whereas Swedish Cloth strips use a 50% solution. Note that a 50% OA/Glycerine solution takes slightly longer to dissolve and mix properly.
While the solution is around 54–58°C, soak each strip with approximately 25 grams of solution. Place the strips on their edges in a flat-bottomed soak bin, ideally in a warm place (20–30°C). Strips absorb the solution fully within 60 minutes. Allow the bin to stay in a warm place for 24 hours to equalise the solution distribution. When cooled to room temperature, the solution will solidify within each strip.
The strips can then be used immediately or packed into airtight ziplock bags for long-term storage.
A typical strong colony with two brood boxes should have four strips placed horizontally between the brood boxes, leaving spaces between the strips.
Scrape off burr comb first.
The four strips work more effectively than using a single larger pad.
Click here to view our full instruction guide.
Reports from the USA indicate that this system is extremely effective when placed horizontally between the brood boxes in double brood box hives. However, it is less successful over single brood box colonies.
Randy Oliver (scientificbeekeeping.com) agrees with this observation, advising that OAE strips be fitted vertically over the frames when used in single brood box colonies, similar to our cardboard strips. See Beequip Cardboard Strips for reference.
Fun fact: Bees maintain an environment in the brood nest that is ideal for the cloth’s effectiveness, maintaining a temperature near 34°C and humidity between 58%–70%. This controlled environment is absent above a single brood box colony.
Strip Life: The lifespan of strips depends on bee activity such as propolis coating and chewing. Replace strips every 8–12 weeks, or every 10 weeks in cases of significant mite re-invasion, particularly during Autumn.